Shunga Dynasty

36. Who was the famous Greek ambassador who visited the court of the Shunga ruler, Agnimitra?
a) Seleucus Nicator
b) Megasthenes
c) Alexander the Great
d) Antiochus II Theos

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37. Which of the following was NOT a significant contribution of the Shunga dynasty to the field of education?
a) Establishment of universities and colleges
b) Development of the curriculum for Buddhist studies
c) Encouragement of the study of ancient texts
d) Creation of the modern education system

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38. Who was the famous poet and playwright who lived during the Shunga period and wrote the play, “Mudrarakshasa”?
a) Kalidasa
b) Vishakhadatta
c) Ashvaghosha
d) Bhasa

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39. Which of the following was NOT a major military campaign undertaken by the Shunga dynasty?
a) Conquest of Magadha
b) Conquest of Kalinga
c) Conquest of Avanti
d) Conquest of the Deccan

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40. Who was the famous queen of the Shunga dynasty who was also a patron of the arts and literature?
a) Nayanika
b) Khema
c) Vasumitra
d) Vasavadatta

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