Shunga Dynasty

41. What was the capital of the Shunga dynasty?
a) Pataliputra
b) Ujjain
c) Vidisha
d) Kausambi

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42. Which of the following was a major economic activity during the Shunga period?
a) Agriculture
b) Manufacturing
c) Trade
d) All of the above

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43. Who was the famous Buddhist philosopher who lived during the Shunga period and wrote the treatise, “Abhidharma-kosa-bhasya”?
a) Nagarjuna
b) Asanga
c) Vasubandhu
d) Dharmakirti

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44. Who was the famous queen of the Shunga dynasty who was known for her beauty and was married to two successive Shunga rulers?
a) Nayanika
b) Khema
c) Vasumitra
d) Vasavadatta

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45. Which of the following was a major religious development during the Shunga period?
a) Emergence of Mahayana Buddhism
b) Emergence of Theravada Buddhism
c) Emergence of Jainism
d) Emergence of Hinduism

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