Socio-economic Conditions In 18th-Century India

16. The decline of the Mughal Empire led to the emergence of independent states in various regions. Which state emerged in the Deccan during this time?
a) Gujarat Sultanate
b) Bengal Sultanate
c) Nizam of Hyderabad
d) Maratha Confederacy

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17. Which agricultural technique became popular in India during the 18th century, leading to improved crop yields?
a) Crop rotation
b) Terrace farming
c) Green Revolution
d) Canal irrigation

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18. Who were the major patrons of art and culture in 18th-century India?
a) British colonists
b) Dutch merchants
c) Maratha rulers
d) Mughal emperors

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19. The 18th century saw the consolidation of power by the Sikh empire under the leadership of:
a) Maharaja Ranjit Singh
b) Guru Nanak Dev Ji
c) Guru Gobind Singh Ji
d) Maharaja Ranjit Singh

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20. What was the major source of revenue for the Indian rulers during the 18th century?
a) Trade tariffs
b) Agricultural taxes
c) Industrial taxes
d) Foreign aid

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