Sound Waves

Here are some MCQs on Sound Waves

1. What is the definition of sound waves?

a) Vibrations that travel through the air

b) Vibrations that travel through solids

c) Vibrations that travel through liquids

d) All of the above

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2. Which of the following is not a property of sound waves?

a) Frequency

b) Amplitude

c) Wavelength

d) Temperature

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3. Which of the following units is used to measure frequency?

a) Hertz

b) Decibel

c) Meter

d) Newton

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4. The pitch of a sound is determined by its:

a) Frequency

b) Amplitude

c) Wavelength

d) Speed

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5. The amplitude of a sound wave corresponds to its:

a) Loudness

b) Pitch

c) Speed

d) Wavelength

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