Sound Waves

26. The speed of sound in air is approximately:

a) 343 m/s

b) 100 m/s

c) 10,000 m/s

d) 1,000,000 m/s

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27. The distance between two consecutive compressions or rarefactions in a sound wave is called its:

a) Amplitude

b) Frequency

c) Wavelength

d) Period

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28. The process of sound waves bouncing back after hitting a surface is known as:

a) Reflection

b) Refraction

c) Diffraction

d) Absorption

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29. The speed of sound waves is fastest in:

a) Solids

b) Liquids

c) Gases

d) Vacuum

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30. The phenomenon of a sound wave being absorbed by a material and converted into heat energy is known as:

a) Reflection

b) Refraction

c) Diffraction

d) Absorption

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