Space Technology

21. What is the name of the telescope that is designed to study the Sun?
a) Solar Dynamics Observatory
c) Chandra X-ray Observatory
d) Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope

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22. What is the name of the space mission that aims to study the atmosphere of Mars in order to understand the planet’s history and habitability?
a) Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
b) Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (MAVEN)
c) Mars Express
d) Mars Global Surveyor

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23. What is the name of the space mission that aims to study the Sun’s corona and solar wind?
a) Parker Solar Probe
b) Solar Dynamics Observatory
c) Hinode
d) Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO)

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24. What is the name of the space mission that aims to study the Kuiper Belt, a region of the solar system beyond Neptune?
a) New Horizons
b) Cassini
c) Dawn
d) Juno

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25. What is the name of the space mission that aims to study the formation and evolution of galaxies?
a) Hubble Space Telescope
b) Chandra X-ray Observatory
c) Spitzer Space Telescope
d) James Webb Space Telescope

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