11. Which of the following spellings is correct?
a) Biscuit
b) Biscit
c) Bisket
d) Biscut
Answer: a) Biscuit
12. Which of the following spellings is correct?
a) Definately
b) Definetely
c) Definately
d) Definitely
Answer: d) Definitely
13. Which of the following spellings is correct?
a) Zebra
b) Zibra
c) Zibrah
d) Zebruh
Answer: a) Zebra
14. Which of the following spellings is correct?
a) Liason
b) Liasion
c) Laison
d) Liaison
Answer: d) Liaison
15. Which of the following spellings is correct?
a) Believe
b) Beleive
c) Belive
d) Belivee
Answer: a) Believe