Supercomputers MCQ’s

61. Which of the following is a measure of a supercomputer’s efficiency when running multiple jobs simultaneously?
A) Scalability
B) Benchmark score
C) Clock speed
D) Input/output bandwidth

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62. Which of the following is an example of a supercomputer that is designed specifically for quantum computing?
A) IBM Summit
B) Cray XC50
C) Fujitsu K Computer
D) D-Wave 2000Q

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63. Which of the following is an example of a supercomputer application that is used for molecular biology research?
A) Molecular dynamics simulations
B) Image and video processing
C) Natural language processing
D) Speech recognition

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64. Which of the following is a measure of a supercomputer’s input/output performance?
A) Flops (floating point operations per second)
B) Bytes
C) Bandwidth
D) Instructions per second

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65. Which of the following is a measure of a supercomputer’s reliability?
A) Mean time between failures (MTBF)
B) Memory capacity
C) Input/output bandwidth
D) Clock speed

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