Supercomputers MCQ’s

11. What is the role of a cluster in a supercomputer?
A) To connect multiple processors together to work on a single task
B) To provide additional storage capacity
C) To improve network connectivity
D) To increase the speed of the CPU

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12. What is the main advantage of using liquid cooling in a supercomputer?
A) It is less expensive than air cooling
B) It reduces the risk of electrical fires
C) It can cool the hardware more efficiently than air
D) It eliminates the need for fans

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13. What is the main difference between a general-purpose computer and a supercomputer?
A) Supercomputers have more memory than general-purpose computers
B) Supercomputers are more expensive than general-purpose computers
C) Supercomputers have more processing power and are designed to solve specific problems quickly
D) General-purpose computers are used for basic tasks, while supercomputers are used for complex calculations

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14. What is the purpose of the TOP500 list?
A) To rank the most powerful supercomputers in the world
B) To provide a directory of companies that build supercomputers
C) To list the most energy-efficient supercomputers in the world
D) To track the progress of research in the field of high-performance computing

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15. Which of the following is a limitation of quantum computers compared to supercomputers?
A) Quantum computers are more expensive than supercomputers
B) Quantum computers can only perform certain types of calculations
C) Quantum computers are less reliable than supercomputers
D) Quantum computers require specialized software that is not available on supercomputers

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