Supercomputers MCQ’s

41. What is the purpose of a file system in a supercomputer?
A) To manage the supercomputer’s network connections
B) To store and organize data used by the supercomputer
C) To monitor the temperature of the supercomputer’s processors
D) To perform routine maintenance tasks on the supercomputer

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42. Which of the following is an example of a supercomputer architecture that uses multiple processing nodes connected by a high-speed network?

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43. Which of the following is a measure of a supercomputer’s interconnect performance?
A) Memory bandwidth
B) Flops (floating point operations per second)
C) Input/output bandwidth
D) Clock speed

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44. Which of the following is an example of a supercomputer that is designed specifically for life sciences research?
A) IBM Summit
B) Cray XC50
C) Fujitsu K Computer
D) Atos BullSequana XH2000

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45. What is the purpose of a job queue in a supercomputer?
A) To prioritize jobs waiting to be executed on the supercomputer
B) To provide network connectivity to the supercomputer
C) To monitor the temperature of the supercomputer’s processors
D) To perform routine maintenance tasks on the supercomputer

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