Supreme Court, judicial review, judicial activism, and Public Interest Litigation (PIL)

136. The concept of “judicial activism” gained prominence in India during which period?
a) 1960s and 1970s
b) 1980s and 1990s
c) 2000s and 2010s
d) 2020s

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137. The Supreme Court of India has the power to review its own judgments through a process known as:
a) Writ jurisdiction
b) Review jurisdiction
c) Appellate jurisdiction
d) Advisory jurisdiction

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138. The power of judicial review allows the court to review the constitutionality of laws and executive actions based on their compliance with the provisions of the:
a) Indian Penal Code
b) Indian Contract Act
c) Indian Constitution
d) Indian Evidence Act

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139. The concept of “public interest litigation” aims to provide access to justice for:
a) Individuals with vested interests
b) Only economically disadvantaged individuals
c) Any person or organization acting in the public interest
d) Only government officials

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140. The doctrine of “judicial precedent” means that the Supreme Court of India is bound by its own:
a) Decisions in previous cases
b) Political affiliations
c) Interpretation of international law
d) Instructions from the President

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