Surface Tension & Capillarity

11. If the diameter of a capillary tube is halved, the height to which the liquid will rise will:

a) Increase

b) Decrease

c) Remain the same

d) Not enough information to determine

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12. The angle of contact between a liquid and a solid surface is affected by:

a) Surface tension

b) Adhesion

c) Cohesion

d) All of the above

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13. A liquid with a high angle of contact will:

a) Spill over the edges of a container

b) Form a droplet on a surface

c) Wet the surface completely

d) Not wet the surface at all

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14. The phenomenon of water beading up on a waxed car is an example of:

a) High surface tension

b) Low surface tension

c) High angle of contact

d) Low angle of contact

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15. The shape of a meniscus in a capillary tube is determined by:

a) Surface tension and adhesion

b) Surface tension and cohesion

c) Adhesion and cohesion

d) Gravity and viscosity

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