System of Government in India

India has a federal structure with powers divided between the central government and the states. It follows a parliamentary system with a President as the head of state and a Prime Minister as the head of government. The country is a democratic republic, where the government is elected by the people.

Here are some MCQs on the System of Government in India

1. Which of the following is the highest law-making body in India?
A) Supreme Court
B) Lok Sabha
C) Rajya Sabha
D) President

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2. Who is the head of the Indian State?
A) Prime Minister
B) President
C) Chief Justice
D) Speaker of Lok Sabha

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3. Who is the head of the Indian government?
A) President
B) Vice President
C) Prime Minister
D) Chief Justice

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4. Which of the following is the lower house of the Indian parliament?
A) Lok Sabha
B) Rajya Sabha
C) State Legislative Assembly
D) State Legislative Council

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5. Which of the following is the upper house of the Indian parliament?
A) Lok Sabha
B) Rajya Sabha
C) State Legislative Assembly
D) State Legislative Council

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