Bio geographic Regions of World

Here are some MCQs on Bio geographic Regions of World 1. Which region in India is known as the “Himalayan region”? a) Western Ghats b) Eastern Ghats c) Indo-Gangetic Plain d) Trans-Himalayan region 2. Which region in India is known for its high plateaus and forests? a) Western Ghats b) Eastern Ghats c) Indo-Gangetic Plain … Read more


Here are some MCQs on Islands 1. Which is the largest island in India?a) Andaman Islandb) Nicobar Islandc) Great Nicobar Islandd) Little Andaman Island 2. Which group of islands are located in the Arabian Sea?a) Andaman and Nicobar Islandsb) Lakshadweep Islandsc) The Maldivesd) The Seychelles 3. Which is the southernmost island of India?a) Minicoy Islandb) … Read more

Coral Reefs

Coral reefs are underwater ecosystems formed from the skeletons of small animals called coral polyps. These ecosystems are some of the most diverse and productive on the planet, providing habitats for millions of species of plants and animals. Here are some MCQs on Indian Coral Reefs: 1. Which is the largest coral reef in India?a) … Read more


Mangroves are unique types of trees and shrubs that grow in intertidal zones, where the land meets the sea. They are typically found in tropical and subtropical regions, such as along the Indian coastline. Mangroves have adapted to living in harsh, saline environments, where other plants cannot survive. They play an important ecological role in … Read more

Indian Coasts

India has a vast coastline of approximately 7,517 kilometers along its mainland, which is surrounded by the Arabian Sea in the west, the Bay of Bengal in the east, and the Indian Ocean to the south. The Indian coastline is divided into two main parts – the Eastern Coast and the Western Coast. The Western … Read more


In geology, a plateau is a large elevated area of land that is usually flat or gently sloping. Plateaus can be formed by various geological processes, such as volcanic eruptions, uplifts, or erosion. Some of the world’s most famous plateaus include the Tibetan Plateau in Asia, the Colorado Plateau in the United States, and the … Read more

Mountain Passes

Mountain passes are natural gaps or low points in a mountain range that allow travelers to cross from one side of the range to the other. They are often used as trade routes or transportation corridors, and many have been important for military purposes throughout history. Hill Stations Hydrosphere Lithosphere Here ars some MCQs on … Read more

Hydro Electric Projects in World

Hydroelectric projects are projects that generate electricity by harnessing the power of flowing water. This is done by building a dam to create a reservoir of water, which is then released through turbines to generate electricity. Tectonics Inventions and Discoveries Indian festivals for competitive exams Here are some MCQs on Hydro Electric Projects: 1. The … Read more


Glaciers are large, slow-moving masses of ice that form over many years from accumulated snowfall. They are found in polar and high-altitude regions, and they are formed when more snow falls each year than melts. Over time, the weight of the accumulating snow compresses the layers beneath it into ice. Glaciers can range in size … Read more

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