THDC India Limited Executives Vacancy Recruitment 2024

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THDC India Limited is a leading Power Sector and Profit-making Public sector Enterprise and registered as a Public Limited Company in July-1988 under the Companies Act,1956. THDCIL was conferred ‘Mini Ratna’ Category-I Status in Oct-2009 and up-graded to Schedule ‘A’ PSU in July-2010 by the Govt. of India. The Equity of the company was earlier shared between Govt. of India and GoUP in the ratio of 75:25. Pursuant to Strategic Sale, the Share Purchase Agreement was executed between NTPC Limited and President of India on 25th March,2020, for acquisition of legal and beneficial ownership of equity held by the President of India in THDC India Limited. After Strategic Sale, Equity in THDC India Limited is shared between NTPC Limited and Government of UP in a ratio of 74.496% and 25.504%.

THDCIL invites applications on All India Basis from bright, dedicated, result oriented, energetic and dynamic candidates with good academic records & experience to join us in different Technical and Non-Technical posts on Regular Basis. (Advertisement No. 03/2024)

THDC Executives Recruitment 2024 Vacancies

  1. Manager (Business Development): 02 vacancies (UR-1, OBC-1), Age: 45 years, Experience: 9 years, Pay Scale: E-5 Grade
  2. Assistant Manager (Business Development): 02 vacancies (UR-2), Age: 32 years, Experience: 1 years, Pay Scale: E-3 Grade 
  3. Deputy Manager (Coal Mining Project): 01 vacancies (UR), Age: 40 years, Experience: 5 years, Pay Scale: E-4 Grade
  4. Assistant Manager (Coal Mining Project): 05 vacancies (UR-3, OBC-1, SC-1), Age: 32 years, Experience: 1 years, Pay Scale: E-3 Grade
  5. Senior Manager (Renewable Energy Projects): 01 vacancies (UR), Age: 48 years, Experience: 13 years, Pay Scale: E-6 Grade 
  6. Manager (Renewable Energy Projects – Civil): 03 vacancies (UR-1, OBC-1, SC-1), Age: 45 years, Experience: 9 years, Pay Scale: E-5 Grade
  7. Manager (Renewable Energy Projects – Electrical/Electronics): 03 vacancies (UR-2, SC-1), Age: 45 years, Experience: 9 years, Pay Scale: E-5 Grade
  8. Assistant Manager (Renewable Energy Projects – Civil): 02 vacancies (UR-1, SC-1), Age: 32 years, Experience: 1 years, Pay Scale: E-3 Grade
  9. Assistant Manager (Renewable Energy Projects – Electrical/Electronics): 02 vacancies (UR-1, OBC-1), Age: 32 years, Experience: 1 years, Pay Scale: E-3 Grade 
  10. Manager (Corporate Planning): 02 vacancies (UR-1, OBC-1), Age: 45 years, Experience: 9 years, Pay Scale: E-5 Grade
  11. Manager (Contracts & Procurement): 02 vacancies (UR-1, OBC-1), Age: 45 years, Experience: 9 years, Pay Scale: E-5 Grade
  12. Manager (Safety): 03 vacancies (UR-2, OBC-1), Age: 45 years, Experience: 9 years, Pay Scale: E-5 Grade
  13. Manager (Project Monitoring): 02 vacancies (UR-1, OBC-1), Age: 45 years, Experience: 9 years, Pay Scale: E-5 Grade
  14. Manager (North East Hydro Projects): 02 vacancies (UR-1, OBC-1), Age: 45 years, Experience: 9 years, Pay Scale: E-5 Grade
  15. Manager (Thermal Projects – Electrical): 01 vacancies (UR), Age: 45 years, Experience: 9 years, Pay Scale: E-5 Grade
  16. Manager (Thermal Projects – Mechanical): 03 vacancies (UR-1, OBC-1, SC-1), Age: 45 years, Experience: 9 years, Pay Scale: E-5 Grade
  17. Manager (Thermal Projects – Electrical/Electronics): 02 vacancies (UR-1, ST-1), Age: 45 years, Experience: 9 years, Pay Scale: E-5 Grade
  18. Deputy Manager (Thermal Projects): 02 vacancies (UR-1, SC-1), Age: 40 years, Experience: 5 years, Pay Scale: E-4 Grade
  19. Assistant Manager (Thermal Projects): 08 vacancies (UR-4, OBC-2, SC-1, ST-1), Age: 32 years, Experience: 1 years, Pay Scale: E-3 Grade 
  20. Senior Manager (Environment): 02 vacancies (UR), Age: 48 years, Experience: 13 years, Pay Scale: E-6 Grade 
  21. Senior Medical Officer: 05 vacancies (UR-4, OBC-1), Age: 34 years, Experience: 3 years, Pay Scale: E-3 Grade

Age: as on 17/07/2024

Pay Scales:

  1. E-6 Grade ₹90000-3%-240000
  2. E-5 Grade ₹80000-3%-220000
  3. E-4 Grade ₹70000-3%-200000
  4. E-3 Grade ₹60000-3%-180000

Protection of Basic Pay in case of PSU and Govt. Employees as per DPE Guidelines issued from time to time.
The Compensation Package shall include Basic Pay, Dearness Allowance, Perquisites and Allowance @ 35% of basic pay as per cafeteria, Performance Related Pay, Company Leased Accommodation /Company Quarters or HRA, Reimbursement of monthly conveyance, expenditure, mobile instrument facility and communication charges reimbursement etc. will be admissible as per company rules in force from time to time.

The Corporation also offers excellent facilities like short and long term Loans & Advances including House Building Advance, Car Loan, Computer/ Laptop Loan, Medical facilities, Group Insurance, PF, NPS, Gratuity and Pension, Post-Retirement Medical
Benefits etc

Application Fee

Candidates belonging to the General/EWS/OBC Category are required to pay a non-refundable registration fee of ₹600/-. The SC/ST/PwBD/Ex-Serviceman candidates need not pay the application fee.


Eligibility and Application Guidelines

  1. Eligibility: Only Indian Nationals are eligible to apply.
  2. Criteria Verification: Ensure you meet all eligibility criteria and norms as mentioned. Shortlisted candidates must fulfill all criteria; failure to do so will result in disqualification from the Personal Interview.
  3. Qualification: Qualifications must be from an Indian University/Institute recognized by the appropriate statutory authority and must be Full-Time & Regular.
  4. Age and Experience Calculation: Age and experience will be computed as of 17.07.2024. Internship/Training/Apprenticeship and Teaching Periods are not counted as experience.
  5. Accuracy of Information: Ensure all provided information is accurate. Incorrect or false information, or suppression of facts, will lead to automatic cancellation of candidature. Post-appointment, if discrepancies are found, services may be terminated without notice.
  6. Selection Process: Meeting the criteria does not guarantee an interview or further consideration in the selection process.
  7. Canvassing: Canvassing in any form will disqualify the candidate.
  8. Category Certificates: Candidates must provide valid certificates for EWS/OBC (NCL)/SC/ST/PwBDs from the Competent Authority, issued in 2024-2025. Age relaxations apply as per category. OBC candidates in the “Creamy Layer” should indicate their category as General. Further relaxations apply for candidates from Jammu & Kashmir and Ex-Servicemen.
  9. Certificate Formats: Certificate formats are available on the THDCIL website
  10. Closing Date for Certificate Status: The closing date for receipt of applications will be used to verify SC/ST/OBC(NCL)/EWS/PwBDs status, and candidates should possess the necessary certificates as of this date.
  11. Translation of Certificates: If caste/category certificates are in languages other than Hindi or English, candidates must provide a certified translation in one of these languages at document verification.
  12. Project-Affected Area Certificates: For candidates from Doob Kshetra/THDCIL Project-Affected Areas, certificates must be issued by the Special Land Acquisition Officer (SLO) and verified by the District Authority.
  13. Identification: Bring a valid photo ID to the interview. Photocopies are not acceptable, and candidates without valid ID will be denied entry.
  14. Contact Information: Keep your e-mail ID and Mobile Number active for at least one year. No changes are allowed once entered, and all communication will be via email/SMS.
  15. Updates: Check the recruitment section of the THDCIL website regularly for updates.
  16. No Objection Certificate: Government/PSU employees must produce a “No Objection Certificate” at the time of the Group Discussion/Personal Interview.
  17. Internal Candidates: Internal candidates should follow THDCIL Recruitment Policy and Procedures. Applications not in accordance with these policies will not be considered.
  18. Relieving Letter: Candidates from Government Departments/PSUs/Autonomous Bodies must submit a relieving letter from their current organization at the time of joining if selected.
  19. Recruitment Process Changes: THDCIL reserves the right to modify or cancel the recruitment/selection process and number of vacancies as required, without further notice.
  20. Queries: For recruitment-related queries, email:
  21. Jurisdiction: Any legal proceedings must be instituted in Dehradun (Uttarakhand) where only the courts/tribunals/forums will have jurisdiction.
  22. Language Discrepancies: In case of any ambiguity in translations other than English, the English version will prevail.
  23. Document Submission: Do not send any documents or certificates through post. Applications will be rejected if registered with incomplete documents, even if a registration number is generated.

How to Apply

Before applying online, candidates should ensure they have the following:

  1. Email ID and Mobile Number:
    • A valid and active Email ID and Mobile Number are mandatory.
    • Create a new Email ID if you don’t have one.
    • Keep the Email ID and Mobile Number active for at least one year; no changes are allowed after submission.
    • All future correspondence will be via email and/or SMS.
  2. Photograph:
    • Scanned copy of a recent passport-sized color photograph with a white background.
    • Size: 50 KB
    • Format: JPG/PNG/PDF
  3. Signature:
    • Scanned signature against a white background.
    • Size: 20 KB
    • Format: JPG/PNG/PDF
    • Ensure the signature is clearly visible.
  4. Class X and XII Marksheet:
    • Scanned copy of Marksheet for Class X and XII.
    • Size: 125 KB
    • Format: JPG/PNG/PDF
  5. Academic Qualifications:
    • Marksheet and Degree (Full-Time/Regular) for the essential qualification.
    • Size: 500 KB
    • Format: JPG/PNG/PDF
    • If applicable, upload supporting documents for additional qualifications in a single file with essential qualification documents.
  6. Experience Certificate (if applicable):
    • Scanned copy of Experience Certificate(s).
    • Size: 500 KB
    • Format: JPG/PNG/PDF
    • Upload all experience certificates as one file.
  7. Caste/Category Certificate (if applicable):
    • Scanned copy of certificate for SC/ST/OBC(NCL)/PwBD/J&K Domiciled/Ex-Servicemen/Victims of riots/Doob Kshetra of THDC Projects.
    • Size: 125 KB
    • Format: JPG/PNG/PDF
  8. CGPA Conversion Proof:
    • Scanned copy of norms adopted by the University/Institute to convert CGPA/OGPA/DGPA into percentage.
    • Size: 125 KB
    • Format: JPG/PNG/PDF
    • If CGPA is not applicable, upload the scanned copy of the Marksheet.
  9. Form 16:
    • Scanned copy of Form 16 from the previous employer for FY 2023-2024.
    • Size: 125 KB
    • Format: JPG/PNG/PDF

Ensure all documents are clear and readable.

Steps to Fill in Online Registration Form:

Online Application:

  • Access the registration form via the THDCIL website → Career Section → New Openings. Only online applications will be accepted.

Basic Information:

  • Enter your name exactly as it appears on your certificate. Complete all fields including State Domicile, Category, Religion, etc.

Academic & Professional Qualifications:

  • Enter details as per your marksheet and certificates. For CGPA, convert to percentage as per your institution’s guidelines.

Languages Known & Address:

  • Tick the boxes for known languages and fill in your address and other relevant information.

Experience Details:

  • Accurately list your period of service and other relevant experience details.

Document Upload:

  • Upload documents in the specified format and size, ensuring they are clear and readable.

Payment Process:

  • For General, OBC(NCL), and EWS candidates: Click on the “Payment Now” option, complete the payment process, and then click the “Submit” button.
  • For ST/SC/PwBD/J&K Domiciled/Ex-Servicemen/Victims of riots/Doob Kshetra (Project Affected)/Department Candidates: No payment required. Click the “Submit” button directly.

Important Note: After clicking “Submit” (post payment), your registration will be finalized.

Print Application:

  • Print the completed application form for your records. Do not send this printout to THDCIL.

Additional Points:

Check the website and your email regularly for updates.

All recruitment updates will be posted on the THDCIL website No separate communication will be made.

Keep extra copies of the photograph used in the online application.

For queries, email:

Details and Online Submission of Application

For further details and an online application form for THDC Executives Vacancy Recruitment 2024, please visit

Important Dates

Sl.No.ParticularsDate & Time
1.Opening of Online Registration17.07.2024 (10:00 AM)
2.Closing of Online Registration16.08.2024 (06:00 PM)

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