The Chalukya Dynasty

86. The Chalukyas had conflicts with which foreign power over control of trade routes?
a) Arab Caliphates
b) Chinese Empire
c) Persian Empire
d) Byzantine Empire

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87. Which Chalukya ruler is known for his patronage of Buddhism?
a) Pulakeshin I
b) Pulakeshin II
c) Vikramaditya I
d) Jayasimha I

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88. The Chalukyas were known for their development of which architectural feature in temple construction?
a) Shikhara
b) Mandapa
c) Gopura
d) Vimana

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89. The Chalukyas had conflicts with which North Indian dynasty over control of the Malwa region?
a) Guptas
b) Mauryas
c) Pratiharas
d) Palas

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90. The famous group of temples at Aihole were built during the reign of which Chalukya ruler?
a) Pulakeshin I
b) Pulakeshin II
c) Vikramaditya I
d) Jayasimha I

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