The Pallavas Dynasty

136. The famous “Pancha Rathas” (Five Rathas) in Mamallapuram are dedicated to which set of characters from the Hindu epic Mahabharata?
a) Pandavas
b) Kauravas
c) Gods and Goddesses
d) Sages and Saints

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137. Which Pallava king is associated with the construction of the “Varaha Cave Temple” in Mamallapuram?
a) Mahendravarman II
b) Nandivarman II
c) Paramesvaravarman I
d) Narasimhavarman II

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138. The Pallava dynasty played a significant role in the development of which style of temple architecture in South India?
a) Nagara
b) Vesara
c) Hoysala
d) Pallava

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139. The famous “Rathas” (monolithic temple chariots) in Mamallapuram are carved out of a single rock and represent the architectural style of which dynasty?
a) Pallava
b) Chola
c) Chalukya
d) Rashtrakuta

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140. The Pallava dynasty had close cultural and trade connections with which Southeast Asian kingdom?
a) Srivijaya
b) Majapahit
c) Angkor
d) Pagan

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