The Prime Minister and Union Council of Ministers

21. Who among the following can be a member of the Council of Ministers without being a member of either house of Parliament?
a) Prime Minister of India
b) President of India
c) Chief Justice of India
d) Leader of the Opposition

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22. The Prime Minister of India is appointed by the President of India on the basis of:
a) Election by the people
b) Election by the members of Parliament
c) Recommendation of the Chief Justice of India
d) Recommendation of the Leader of the Opposition

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23. Who among the following has the power to dismiss a minister?
a) President of India
b) Chief Justice of India
c) Prime Minister of India
d) Speaker of Lok Sabha

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24. The Council of Ministers in India is responsible for preparing and introducing:
a) Annual Budget
b) Five-Year Plans
c) Bills in the Parliament
d) Foreign policies

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25. Who among the following is the head of the Ministry of Home Affairs in India?
a) Prime Minister of India
b) President of India
c) Chief Justice of India
d) Home Minister of India

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