
Here are some MCQs on Thermodynamics

1. The First Law of Thermodynamics is also known as:

a) Law of Conservation of Energy

b) Law of Conservation of Mass

c) Law of Entropy

d) Law of Thermodynamic Equilibrium

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2. Which of the following is not a state function?

a) Enthalpy

b) Pressure

c) Internal energy

d) Entropy

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3. The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that:

a) Energy cannot be created or destroyed

b) The entropy of a system always increases

c) Heat always flows from a colder object to a hotter object

d) The internal energy of a system remains constant

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4. The process of transferring heat without the presence of a medium is called:

a) Conduction

b) Convection

c) Radiation

d) None of the above

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5. The efficiency of a heat engine is given by:

a) (T2 – T1) / T2

b) (T2 – T1) / T1

c) (T1 – T2) / T2

d) (T1 – T2) / T1

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