
16. The heat transfer through a solid material is primarily by:

a) Conduction

b) Convection

c) Radiation

d) Both conduction and convection

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17. The heat transfer through a fluid is primarily by:

a) Conduction

b) Convection

c) Radiation

d) Both conduction and convection

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18. The Stefan-Boltzmann law relates the power radiated by a blackbody to its:

a) Temperature

b) Volume

c) Pressure

d) Density

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19. The coefficient of performance (COP) of a refrigerator is given by:

a) COP = Qh / W

b) COP = Qc / W

c) COP = W / (Qh – Qc)

d) COP = (Qh – Qc) / W

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20. The entropy change of a system can be calculated using:

a) ΔS = Q / T

b) ΔS = Q + T

c) ΔS = T / Q

d) ΔS = T – Q

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