Type of Rocks

16. What is the name for the type of rock that is formed from the remains of dead plants and animals?
a) Limestone
b) Coal
c) Marble
d) Quartzite

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17. What is the name for the type of rock that is composed of mostly quartz grains?
a) Limestone
b) Coal
c) Marble
d) Quartzite

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18. What is the name for the type of rock that is made up of interlocking crystals of the same mineral?
a) Sedimentary rock
b) Metamorphic rock
c) Igneous rock
d) None of the above

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19. What is the name for the type of rock that is composed of volcanic ash and debris that has been compacted and cemented together?
a) Tuff
b) Basalt
c) Granite
d) Gneiss

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20. What is the name for the type of rock that is formed from solidified lava?
a) Tuff
b) Basalt
c) Granite
d) Gneiss

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