Universe MCQs

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The universe is everything that exists, including all matter, energy, and space. It encompasses all physical laws, dimensions, and the history of everything that has ever occurred. The universe is thought to have originated from a single point in an event known as the Big Bang, which occurred approximately 13.8 billion years ago. Since then, the universe has been expanding, with galaxies, stars, and planets forming over time. Our own solar system, including Earth, is a tiny part of the vast universe, and scientists continue to study and explore it in order to better understand its origins and the nature of its components.

Here are some MCQs on Universe:

1. What is the universe?
a) A planet
b) A star
c) All existing matter and space as a whole
d) A galaxy

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2. What is the name of the theory that describes the beginning of the universe as a singularity?
a) The Big Bang Theory
b) The Theory of Relativity
c) The Theory of Evolution
d) The Quantum Theory

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3. What is dark matter?
a) Matter that is invisible to telescopes but can be detected by its gravitational effects
b) Matter that emits no light or energy
c) Matter that has negative mass
d) Matter that has no mass

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4. What is dark energy?
a) Energy that is invisible to telescopes but can be detected by its gravitational effects
b) Energy that emits no light or radiation
c) Energy that has negative mass
d) Energy that has no mass

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5. What is a black hole?
a) A region of space with a gravitational field so intense that no matter or radiation can escape
b) A region of space where gravity is zero
c) A region of space where all matter and radiation is compressed into a singularity
d) A region of space with no stars or planets

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