Universe MCQs

61. What is the name of the largest type of galaxy?
a) Spiral galaxy
b) Elliptical galaxy
c) Irregular galaxy
d) Dwarf galaxy

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62. What is the name of the cloud of gas and dust that is the birthplace of stars?
a) Nebula
b) Asteroid
c) Comet
d) Meteoroid

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63. What is the name of the process by which a star ejects its outer layers and becomes a small, hot core?
a) White dwarf
b) Black hole
c) Supernova
d) Planetary nebula

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64. What is the name of the planet in our solar system with the largest volcano?
a) Earth
b) Venus
c) Mars
d) Mercury

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65. What is the name of the space probe that landed on the surface of a comet in 2014?
a) Voyager 1
b) Cassini-Huygens
c) New Horizons
d) Rosetta

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