Vakataka Dynasty

The Vakataka dynasty was an ancient Indian dynasty that ruled in the Deccan region of India from the 3rd to the 5th century CE. They were known for their patronage of the arts, literature, and architecture, and played an important role in the cultural and political history of India during their reign.

Here are some MCQs on The Vakataka Dynasty

1. Who founded the Vakataka dynasty?
a) Pravarasena I
b) Rudrasena I
c) Harishena
d) Prithvisena I

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2. Which century did the Vakataka dynasty rule in?
a) 4th century
b) 5th century
c) 6th century
d) 7th century

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3. Which region did the Vakataka dynasty primarily rule over?
a) Magadha
b) Deccan
c) Punjab
d) Kalinga

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4. The capital of the Vakataka dynasty was:
a) Pratishthana
b) Pataliputra
c) Ujjain
d) Kanchipuram

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5. Who was the most famous ruler of the Vakataka dynasty?
a) Pravarasena I
b) Rudrasena I
c) Harishena
d) Prithvisena I

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