Various Topics on Climate Change

11. What is the term used to describe the process of capturing and storing carbon dioxide underground?

 a) Carbon sequestration

 b) Carbon footprint

 c) Carbon offsetting

 d) Carbon trading

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12. Which country is the largest emitter of greenhouse gases?

 a) China

 b) United States

 c) India

 d) Russia

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13. What is the main reason behind the depletion of the ozone layer?

 a) Greenhouse gas emissions

 b) Deforestation

 c) Release of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)

 d) Acid rain

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14. Which of the following is not a consequence of climate change?

 a) Increased frequency of droughts

 b) Reduced agricultural productivity

 c) Spread of infectious diseases

 d) Decreased sea levels

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15. What is the main greenhouse gas emitted by the burning of fossil fuels?

 a) Carbon dioxide

 b) Methane

 c) Nitrous oxide

 d) Ozone

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