Vijayanagara Empire

31. Which architectural feature was popular in the construction of temples in the Vijayanagara Empire?
a) Minarets
b) Domes
c) Gopurams
d) Arches

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32. The book “Vijayanagara: Splendour in Ruins” was written by:
a) William Dalrymple
b) Arundhati Roy
c) Devdutt Pattanaik
d) S. L. Bhyrappa

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33. The city of Vijayanagara was built on the southern banks of the river:
a) Godavari
b) Tungabhadra
c) Krishna
d) Kaveri

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34. Who among the following was not a contemporary of the Vijayanagara Empire?
a) Akbar the Great
b) Shivaji Maharaj
c) Babur
d) Aurangzeb

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35. The “Rayagopuram” is a prominent feature of the famous temple in Hampi dedicated to which deity?
a) Vishnu
b) Shiva
c) Lakshmi
d) Parvati

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