Work, Energy and Power

6. The law of conservation of energy states that:

a) Energy cannot be created or destroyed, but only transferred or transformed

b) Energy can be created or destroyed

c) Energy can only be transferred, not transformed

d) Energy can only be created, not destroyed

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7. Power is defined as:

a) The rate at which work is done

b) The ability to do work

c) The energy stored in an object

d) The force applied on an object

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8. The SI unit of power is:

a) Joule

b) Watt

c) Newton

d) Kilogram

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9. Which of the following equations represents power?

a) P = W/t

b) P = Fd

c) P = Pt

d) P = mv

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10. The work-energy theorem states that:

a) The work done on an object is equal to the change in its kinetic energy

b) The work done on an object is equal to its potential energy

c) The work done on an object is equal to its gravitational potential energy

d) The work done on an object is equal to its thermal energy

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